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Page history last edited by Sophia 14 years, 7 months ago

The PMI Agile community gets work done through volunteers. The process by which we get work done is a tailored implementation of Scrum (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrum_(development))


The community will divide work into two tiers. 


Tier 1: The Steering Committee 

Every two weeks, the Steering Committee will hold a meeting where the Community Lead will brief the committee on the immediate priorities. These priorities will be documented on the committee backlog as large-sized work items (aka epics). Committee members (or their surrogates) will self-assign these large-sized work items. They will be responsible for leveraging resources and volunteers to make progress on their work items over the next two weeks. If they run into any problems, they proactively reach out to the Community Involvement Lead to get help.


Tier 2: work-specific Subteams

Once a committee members have self-assigned work items, they are responsible for making progress on that item. If they need volunteers, they will announce their need for volunteers to the community's general membership. That announcement will provide instructions for how/when volunteers can meet together virtually. Volunteers will RSVP to the committee members for items they wish to work on, and thus form a new sub-Team dedicated to that item. The committee member will then become the Product Owner for that work-item, decomposing it into smaller, more achievable pieces. The team will record the decomposed work item into their own backlog, and then decide how they will accomplish the work.  At the end of the two-week time-box, the committee member will then report back to the Steering Committee on work accomplished.

  • Scrum Product Owner = Steering Committee member/surrogate owning the large-sized work item
  • ScrumMaster = If needed, selected by the team
  • Scrum Team members = all the volunteers for a given work item
  • Product Backlog = the decomposed


Volunteering: Getting Started Link to page on how to set-up Accounts



To volunteer for specific PMI Agile CoP activties or request information on how you can best contribute, please contact us through email at pmiagileinfo@gmail.com.

Comments (9)

Randy Tangco said

at 2:41 pm on Apr 12, 2009

Hi.. I would like to help participate in this endeavor. I hope I can help promote the idea of agile in a waterfall world...


Robert Higgins said

at 8:44 am on Jun 25, 2009

Hi I would like to also participate in this project. I would like to work in the global section.

Aniruddha Ray said

at 3:24 am on Sep 28, 2009

I would like to participate in this effort - I can help bring in perspectives from Global agile delivery (India/US)

dripowell said

at 10:04 pm on May 4, 2010

Hi I would like to participate in this project. Please let me know the steps to get envolved in this website.

Marcela said

at 4:45 pm on May 29, 2010

Hi i would like to participate in this project. I´m PMO Manager on a software development company with 3 years of experience on agile projects

B Rivelli said

at 5:05 pm on Jun 14, 2010

I would like to help out in any way possible. I spent years evangelizing at my past company that there is a meeting point for PMI and Agile. The longer I participate in Agile, the more convinced I become. Finding this group (why did it take me so long?) is like finding water in the desert. Thank you!

Gowri Shankar Sinha said

at 8:33 am on Apr 15, 2012

Gowri Shankar Sinha said

at 8:36 am on Apr 15, 2012

Hi I would like to get involved and help out, could any one guide me on the specifics please?

Derek Huether said

at 10:17 pm on Jun 8, 2012

This site is no longer maintained by the PMI Agile CoP. Please use: http://agile.vc.pmi.org/

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