
PMI-Agile Collaborations

Page history last edited by Horia Sluşanschi 12 years, 7 months ago

The purpose of this Page is to provide examples, leverage points and helpful contacts for Chapters interested in developing some form of collaboration with a local agile group. Collaborations may be one-time events or working relationships. Descriptions are organized alphabetically by Chapter within geographic location. Please use the following format: short-medium overview paragraph; use links for details; include contact information for questions.


New Zealand (Aotearoa) - Wellington, May 2012

The PMI New Zealand Central Branch members are welcome to join the Agile Professionals Network Wellington group -

AgileWelly hosts regular sessions (Agile Tuesdays) and monthly presentations focused on Agile and Lean thinking, organisations and practices.


USA - San Francisco, CA 31 July 2009

The PMI San Francisco Bay Area Chapter and the Bay Area Agile Project Leadership Network (BayAPLN) held their first co-hosted event on July 31st - a World Café themed  “New Challenges, Wise Choices: A Conversation to Explore the Future of Project Leadership”.  The event was jointly planned and organized with 3 key objectives for participants: learn about the process of inquiry, explore and cross-pollinate ideas around a topic important to both groups and (for PMI folks) earn inexpensive PDUs.  Feedback Surveys showed that the event was successful on all counts!  For details/photos of the event and process see the San Francisco Chapter August Newsletter -  and the BayAPLN wiki -  select July 31st: World Cafe co-hosted with SF PMI.  Contact Ainsley Nies for more information -




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