
Intro to Agile for PMPs

Page history last edited by Nimat 15 years, 5 months ago

     Subteam Mission:  Leveraging agile content generated from the other subgroups (e.g. Knowledge Base, Chapter Involvement, Recommended Speakers, etc.), our subteam will serve as a launching point for PMI PMPs members interested in transitioning to agile project management and who want help in how best to get started.  We will take a mentoring approach and customize content based upon requests, needs, questions, advice, and training requests coming from the PMP community.  


Get Up-to-Date and Get Involved

Links and insight into subteam activities, work accomplished, and work available to sign-up and complete.


PMP Agile Intro Subteam Product Backlog - captures and tracks user stories to complete our subteam mission.


PMP Agile Intro Subteam Open Contributions - collects additional ideas on relevant content related to our subteam mission.


PMP Agile Intro Subteam Meeting Minutes - captures minutes and action items from our subteam meetings.



Content Contribution Area - Launching Point


Agile PM Frequently Asked Questions - help develop and contribute to the Agile PM FAQ.


Human Resources Management - identify Agile practices and link content that align with the PMBoK HR Management knowledge area.


Time Management - identify Agile practices and link content that align with the PMBoK Time Management knowledge area.


Scope Management - identify Agile practices and link content that align with the PMBoK Scope Management knowledge area.


Integration Management - identify Agile practices and link content that align with the PMBoK Integration Management knowledge area.


Cost Management - identify Agile practices and link content that align with the PMBoK Cost Management knowledge area.


Risk Management - discuss Agile practices that align with the PMBoK Risk Management knowledge area.



Intro to Agile for PMPs Sub Team Sign Up List

Our means of signing up for participation within the subteam and getting in touch with each other. 


Name Email Address Phone Number Comments
Rodney Bodamer 703.850.6279  Washington DC Area 
Alexander Pyle   Denver, CO area
Olivier Gourment 514-570-4596 PMP, CSM, PMI Montreal, Qc. Canada
Randy Bennett  610-687-9400  ext 1144  PMP, CSM in Montgomery Co, PA 
Margaret Motamed  650 357 3331  PMP, PMI Silicon Valley 
Randy Tangco 918-853-2611 PMP, CSM, Edmond, OK
Sellers Smith    Atlanta, GA Area 
Bryan Smith  303-565-2879  NY tri-state area 
Alexander Lesnevsky  PMP, CSM, Moscow, Russia  
Christopher Linde 804-938-7752 PMP, Richmond, VA
Lucas Persona   NY tri-state Area
Venu Tadepalli   CSM, PMP (Agile consultant)
Luiz Cieslak   CSM, NY tri-state area
Jason Kellenbenz   Washington DC Area
Martin Alaimo   PMP, CSP, PMI Buenos Aires, Argentina
Carlos Ost   PMP, PMI Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Brian Quinn   PMP, Agile Developer, Washington DC Area
Luciano Rabottini   CSM, São Paulo, Brazil
Nimat Haque 804-647-7208 CSM, Richmond, VA

Click "Edit" at the top of this page to add yourself here.


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