
Integration Management

Page history last edited by Brian Bozzuto 15 years, 3 months ago

This page contains links to files and other pages that discuss Agile practices that align with the PMBoK Integration Management knowledge area.

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The Software Project Manager's Bridge to Agility, a book  By Michele Sliger, Stacia Broderick, preview the Integration Management chater here,+Summer+2006,&source=bl&ots=hCLx-qgdaZ&sig=ewsv1lROmTxoIShX4ujtzEDWURA&hl=en&ei=JZnySa-xAoqcMomkma4P&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1#PPA51,M1 


Phase Gates vs. Sprint Demonstrations


Successful sprint reviews by Bob Schatz Demo and tell your stories


No applause please by Ken Schwaber  Demo working software rather than pitching presentations


Customer vs. Product Owner Roles and Responsibilities


How to be THE ULTIMATE Agile Product Team / Agile Product Managers and Agile Product Owners Living Together in Harmony by Jennifer  Product Owner and Product Manager are often 2 different roles, here’s why. And project managers who can write use cases or stories can make excellent Product Owners.  Detailed table comparing and contrasting APO and APM.

posted 4/21/09 MMotamed


Organizational Insights and Comments on the Agile Product Owner Role blog post by Dean Leffingwell Finding the right people to be Product Owners is a hard problem and it  is the right challenge for the agile enterprise and it must be addressed for agile success.

posted 4/21/09 MMotamed


Product managers and product owners, blog post by Mike Cottmeyer  Much of what we think of as Project Management is actually assigned to the Product Owner in Scrum.

The product owner team , blog post by Mike Cottmeyer  Talks about The project manager as a key member of the “product owner team”. See also the related posts summarized here

The product owner and the problem shaped hole by Jeff Patton  The Product Owner is many many things, and especially is the product designer, it’s a superhero job.

The tree-headed product owner by Plamen R. Balkanski .  it wasn’t feasible to find a single product owner who satisfied all of the necessary criteria.  

 “Product Companies need Product Managers, not Product Owners” webinar with Rich Mironov In the Agile world, a new title is emerging—the Product Owner—which covers a small subset of the Product Management role.



Project Manager vs. Scrum Master


The Road from Project Manager to Agile Coach, a video and handout by Lyssa Adkins  Tells us how to be a coach, a leader thru service, an enabler, a facilitator

Interlocking Roles in Agile, a video by Lyssa Adkins  Compare and contrast Agile Coach, Agile Manager and Product owner roles.

The product owner team , blog post by Mike Cottmeyer  Talks about The project manager as a key member of the “product owner team”. See also the related posts summarized here

Agile team members roles and responsibilities, a blog post by Aaron Sanders  See how Yahoo maps Scrum roles into traditional software development roles 


Agile Project Planning Tips:

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