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Agile Community Engagement Backlog

This version was saved 15 years, 5 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by anies@sbcglobal.net
on April 30, 2009 at 5:46:19 pm

This page is used to record and track the product backlog of the Agile Community Engagement Subteam.

The table can be changed. Enter suggestions as comments on this page.


New: Epic/Story from Steering Committee Backlog: As a practitioner, I want to be engaged in a local Agile community, so that I can network and grow my skills


ID Story Owner Prio Points Status

As a team member I need to have a clear understanding of what it is we're trying to do - is the team still chartered with " find a place on the wiki to document PMI/Agile chapter collaborations, how they are progressing, what are the outcomes, what have they learned, etc."

As a team member I need to have definitions of "practioner" and "Agile Community", that match what other subteams use, so that I understand the boundaries of the initiating Epic
  As a practioner I want an easy way to find and contact local agile communities wherever I am in the world. Team       
  As a practioner I'd like to have a general idea of what each community is about to help me decide if I want to contact them Team       
  As an PMI Agile evangelist I want to know about PMI-Agile collaborations/partnerships so I can more convincingly spread the word.        
  As a  community leader I want to communicate with organizers of PMI-Agile collaborations/partnerships so I can more effectively initiate this kind of collaboration/partnership myself.        


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