
1  Values and Principles

Page history last edited by Julie Chickering 15 years, 4 months ago

This page is a collections of links to files and pages that describe Agile values and principles.

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Agile Values


The Values in the Agile Manifesto

The authors of the Agile Manifesto value: "Individuals and interactions over processes and tools / Working software over comprehensive documentation / Customer collaboration over contract negotiation / Responding to change over following a plan"


Values found in specific Agile methods


Agile Principles


The Principles behind the Agile Manifesto

The twelve principles behind the Agile Manifesto


History and Comments


Agile Project Management Values and Principles are represented in the Declaration of Interdependence


Article - The Agile Impact Report: Proven Performance Metrics from the Agile Enterprise

In this report, third-party research firm QSM Associates assesses the performance of 29 Agile development projects against a database of 7,500 primarily traditional development projects in three key areas: productivity, time-to-market and quality. The results were that teams using Agile and Rally were 50% faster to market and 25% more productive with one quarter the number of defects. This report not only provides metrics from Agile organizations versus their waterfall counterparts, it also offers up a framework for measuring your own Agile initiatives.



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